Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kuntao Silat de Thouars Seminar Video Part 1

I found some recently added video of Uncle Bill teaching his martial art in Gulfport, MS. Too bad I missed it in 1996. It's just a two hour drive from my home. In fact, I lived near Near Orleans during that time and would've only been about an hour drive. Undoubtedly, I was running an investigation agency and had no time to take two days off in a row to attend the event. This is a nice video with Uncle showing different aspects of his art and Roberto Torres, now teaching his own system of silat, displaying some djurus and langkahs. If you'll pay close attention, you can see Richard Clear also attending, a Senior Practitioner, or Sigung in Uncle's art currently. I wish to thank for and "KungFuGato" for making this available.

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