Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Silat Serak in Uncle's Own Words

  At the beginning when Paul started to teach in Los Angeles and later upon a (drift) of my invitation to come to Colorado, (there was stories to behold), coming from Paul himself - most was recorded and through notification he stated that pak serak had practiced, " several Chinese styles, 4 Hindu arts, 5 Muslim and unique to history telling, also several other pentjac silat styles".  it was also noteworthy being written dawn, by several of my old students and to top it of, his spoken words in a voice, was also on tape. Victor can much relate to my actual fact to minus serak's history.     It was before he created the Bukti Negara fighting art, impartial to old kung fu (san soo) and for sure Serak. Try to deny it, and an embarrasment is to follow a great reputation. When Bukti Negara was created, he founded the art based on a vision from God, also noted and candidly, Paul tries to declined Pak's Serak's  Chinese arts, out of pak Serak's systems. There are actually to many who can actually attest to my statement in issues. Nothing against Paul, but is time for him to be more truthful to himself, because by hiding the truth, relates only to a misinterpretation to actual facts, and can worsen the true history, that is non to discover - and leads only by confusing it further - in later years. There are others in Holland and here in America that had gone off the side, when it comes to serak, the art of Pak Serak.   I decided to strengthen my bond with the VDT Academy under pak Victor and guru Horacio. Serak at the academy is more stable with information and also in the practice and training of serak. My headquarter here in Colorado, is an information source for Hakka kun tao and with the VDT academy is a centre source to obtain informatio for the value of the art Serak. There are two opposite styles in djurus and langkas being taught; the Mas Djoet art and the Mahroen art, makes the practice and training of serak, a very huge fighting art, with a great history and a large formatted art to choose from. I too have been for a long time, (knowledgeable in the art of serak )- and had gotten it through other very reliable sources, outside Paul's, Maurice or de Vries family in Holland.   It is necessary for me to openly attest my declaration of my intent for also starting to teach Serak.
Will only be taught to just a chosen view, of my liking. The VDT Academy and the kun tao silat de Thouars, are closed related associates as one family. Other serak related organizations are far apart from us, and should be noted, that we don't have anything in common or are doing the same serak art. I am delighted to notice that guru Dan Inosanto had gone to study further in the art serak from Victor. He had achieved a high rank of guru under pak Victor and in my consideration congratulate him, and consider him our wealthiest martial ambasador in the South East Asian arts, a rewarded legend for a broad scaled knowledge.   In closing we need to stay separated issues, in order to gain success in comprehension.
                                      Bapak willem de thouars.

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